A Letter to my "APART" Friend

Dear "Apart"  friend,
I woke up this morning to find your room empty,
I found myself in total confusion
I left through the door we usually hid during our usual games
After checking the behind

And so I cried loud! Very loud!
It could be that you went out to get things
It could be that you went for a walk
It could be that your clothes outside needed attention.

But this was different!
I smelt your total absence
I could feel your leaving

And so pictures ran off!
Off through my memory
I remember your smile, our laughter together
Our pictures in my shelf left me nothing in my tear gland
I remember when we used to eat things that made you sick and you never stopped because I liked it.

I remember when our habits became one
It's either we are here or nowhere
I removed your teeth became gapped like mine
I remember how people mistook your foe me and vice versa
I remember how we had not more than a plate and two spoons
I remember the love,life and passion we had together

I wish I could go back to those good old days
I wish you could come back to this good new days
But you left, and I had no other option, I left too.
Each time I think of it, it's like you never left

Time, Life and Race had it this way,
We are "apart", still "apart", though close to my heart
On our different journeys,
On our different race
Though we slept on different beds, our dreams were the same
One goal, One dream we did have.

Yours sincerely,

Abayomi Adeola Della

Abayomi Adeola Della is a Life & Business Coach. She engages Content Development to bring ideas to life.


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