
He held my hands
I was shivering
I was so cold
I felt a soft touch
A warm one at that
I smiled

I knew it was Him
Of course,
It had to be Him
Fairest of Ten thousands
The most wonderful person I ever met
I remember when He used to tell me He could give me all I ever wanted
I doubted,
I thought He was lying
He asked me to give Him a chance and so I did.
Guess what! I'm floating in the ocean of Love and Grace
He even sacrificed His son for me, Now I know how special I am to Him
He still gave me security saying "I will bear you up in my hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone"
Wonderful?! You can say that again!
... He made me warm, knowing fully well I have someone to keep me, I felt rest assured
It's my flavor of ‪#‎shufflinglifestyle‬

Abayomi Adeola Della

Abayomi Adeola Della is a Life & Business Coach. She engages Content Development to bring ideas to life.

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